OSSP 2024 Full Schedule

(Updated as of 2024/08/07)

Friday (08/23)

9:30amOpening Remarks
10:00amIntroduction to Geometric OpticsA hands-on introduction to components that students would use in an optics lab. Concepts covered include: Refraction, Reflection, Fermat’s Principle, Lenses, and Mirrors.
11:10amGeometric Optics Live Demo (Basics of Lenses, and Mirrors)A demonstration of how we can use the thin lens equation to find the focus of a mirror or lens. How does a terrestrial telescope work?
12:00pmLunchProvided by OSSP!
1:00pmThe Wave Nature of Light 1An introduction to how light can be represented as an electromagnetic wave. This talk first defines the notion of a planewave and how it can be used to model solutions to Maxwell’s Equations. What is interference?
2:10pmInterference of Light Experiment (Michelson Interferometer)Demonstration of interference in the lab through the construction of a Michelson interferometer. Discussion of fringe spacing. What is the Michelson-Morley experiment and what does it tell us about the theory of relativity?
4:30pmDay 1 Closing Remarks
6:00pmInvited Talk: Dr. Jared Mikkelsen (Lightmatter)Lightmatter develops photonic computer chips to accelerate AI solutions. Open to graduate students!

Saturday (08/24)

9:30amThe Wave Nature of Light 2A continuation of the discussion of interference of light, why it matters to us, and the notion of spatial and temporal "coherence".
Polarization 1An introduction to polarization, and polarization states of light.
11:10amLab Tour RotationsOSSP participants will be split into groups and tour participating photonics labs at UofT!
12:00pmLunchProvided by OSSP!
1:00pmPolarization 2: Waveplates, Polarizers, BirefringenceRepresentations of polarization using Jones Vectors, and optical components that depend on polarization such as waveplates and polarizers. What is birefringence?
2:10pmLab Tour RotationsOSSP participants will be split into groups and tour participating photonics labs at UofT!
4:00pmBreakout SessionStudents will have the opportunity to work together and take a deep dive into an optics topic of their choice.
7:00pmDay 2 Closing Remarks
DinnerProvided by OSSP!

Sunday (08/25)

9:30amDiffraction and ImagingAn introduction to far-field diffraction, and its importance in optical imaging systems.
11:10amLab Tour RotationsOSSP participants will be split into groups and tour participating photonics labs at UofT!
12:00pmLunchProvided by OSSP!
1:00pm Industry SessionHear from our industry speakers about navigating a career in photonics!
4:00pmStudent ShowcaseShow us what you learned.
5:00pmDay 3 Closing RemarksWhat's next?