Title: Advancing Laser Manufacturing with Optical Process Monitoring
Dr. Tristan Fleming
Applications and Research Specialist at IPG Photonics Canada
Abstract: The laser has become a tool of choice for advanced manufacturing, highlighted by its critical role in the electric vehicle (EV) market. However, the sophistication of laser welding processes has introduced new challenges for manufacturers. Mistakes in manufacturing can be costly, dangerous, and reduce emission savings through increased scrap. IPG’s LDD product offers a solution.
At the heart of the IPG’s LDD product is inline coherent imaging, an interferometric technique similar to optical coherence tomography (OCT). Using this technique, LDD provides real-time, in situ measurements of laser weld depth at micron-resolution and high-speed (>200 kHz), as well as 3D images of parts before, during and after the welding process. These measurements provide actionable quality assurance data for manufacturers, allowing them to detect and correct process defects and improve production yield.
With a proven impact on high-volume production, LDD is a growing part of IPG’s business, as evidenced by the construction of a new facility in Kingston. We are excited to speak with prospective students about opportunities within IPG.
Bio: Tristan Fleming completed his doctorate at Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada in 2022, including two years at University College London. During his degree, he applied the weld depth measurement technology underpinning the IPG’s LDD product to laser additive manufacturing. A world-first, he also exploited high-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging to validate and further develop the LDD product. After graduation, he joined IPG Photonics Canada as an Applications and Research Specialist.

Title: Accelerating AI through Photonics
Dr. Jared Mikkelsen
Senior Photonics Design Engineer at Lightmatter
Abstract: Lightmatter is combining electronics, photonics, and new algorithms to create a next generation compute platform. At the core of Lightmatter’s technology is the use of silicon photonic devices. In this talk, I will introduce Lightmatter’s product, Passage. Passage is a wafer-scale programmable photonic interconnect that uses silicon waveguides to enable heterogeneous chips to communicate with unprecedented bandwidth and energy efficiency. Lightmatter representatives and I will also present the company’s expansion plans and our activities in Toronto. We welcome senior undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals to attend this talk and learn about opportunities to work with us.
Speaker Bio: Dr. Jared Mikkelsen is a Senior Photonics Design Engineer at Lightmatter. With over a decade of experience in Integrated Optics, he has worked at Finisar (now Coherent), Huawei Canada, and Alphawave Semi. He earned his Ph. D in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto in 2019, where his research on Photonic Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) included designing photonic switches representing some of the largest PICs ever attempted at the time. He has authored over 30 journal papers and holds inventorship in multiple patents spanning diverse disciplines within photonics, including data communications, 3D sensing, and display technologies.
Stay tuned for more announcements!